600+ 5 star reviews
Professionally formulated ingredients.
Paraben-free and harsh chemical-free ingredients only.
Featured in
Best Sellers
$44.00 – $188.00
What makes our toothpaste different?
SLS, Parabens, and Sugar FREE
Safe for children & adults
Dentist Approved
Customer Results
Customer Reviews
I have used the whitening kit 3 times & I personally feel that the whitening pen is very easy to use, zero mess & convenient. The timer is a great upgrade too!
I love that it can be used anywhere by applying the gel to the mouthpiece & plugging it into your phone or portable charger so the blue light can accelerate the whitening process!
The kit is so easy to use as it connects to my phone to switch on, I use it every day and you can see results in 7 days. Imagine what it’s like after a few weeks.
Not gonna lie, seriously love how effective and how convenient it is. Watermelon is my favourite!
Happy Smiles, Guaranteed
Our #1 priority here at Mooi Beauty is your Smile Journey.
We created all our products with you in mind, and your satisfaction means everything to us. If our products can’t make you smile, talk to us and we will solve it, whatever it takes. Just reach out to our Customer Happy Smiles Team at talktomooi@gmail.com.
We’re here for you. Happy Smiles. Guaranteed.